The power industry converts coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear fuel, water, ocean, wind, solar, biomass and other primary energy into electricity through power generati..
The petroleum industry is an industrial sector that exploits and refines petroleum (including natural oil, oil shale and natural gas). It is composed of oil field ge..
Early chemicals were produced by hand-made workshops, which evolved into factories and gradually formed a specific production sector, the chemical industry.
Gold industry refers to the mining, selection, sintering of metal ores and their smelting, processing into metal materials industry.
APIs are the material basis of drug production, but they must be processed into suitable pharmaceutical preparations to become drugs. In China, the pharmaceutical in..
"Construction industry" is to take the construction industry as a category of industry, and "chemical industry", "petroleum industry", ..
The shipbuilding industry is an industrial sector that produces all kinds of ships. According to the classification catalogue of industrial departments established i..
Hydraulic engineering is used to control and allocate natural surface water and groundwater to achieve the purpose of eliminating hazards and promoting interests. Al..